Saturday, March 1, 2025

Off My Chest!!!

In Search of Goodpussy: Living Without Love Paperback – April 1, 2013 by Don Spears (Author) In Search of Goodpussy is an explicit, personal, social, psychosexual perspective defining "what makes men tick, specifically, what makes Black men tick.." Through an historical periscope, the personal, social, political, cultural and economic conditions of the Black man are viewed. The reader is able to observe how these conditions and their effects have catapulted the Black man from a place in time beginning 350 years ago (in America) to a landing in the very same place 350 years later. Black men and black women are at odds in relationships. There are behavioral realities that exist between black men and black women that are deadly, and sometimes irreversible, that impede and preclude establishing loving unions. This is an honest, self-help book intended for real people who are aware that there is a need for a totally new way to understand and appreciate problems in relationships between black men and black women in America. In Search of Goodpussy is a candid and frank presentation of a bold new concept to help people cope with and survive the painful uncertainty of today's relationships.