What is the belief of the Republican Party?
This is one of the sickest and vile sub-human beings I have ever seen in my lifetime here above this earth. He does not loves anyone but himself and will throw anyone under the bus to save himself. He had broken his oath of office so many times. That alone is enough to impeach and remove him from office.
What does the president swear to do in his oath?
This was just one occasion!
Jul 18, 2018 - Donald Trump, taking the presidential oath of office in 2017. ... After his joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in ... “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the ...
Missing: brak | Must include: brak
I know that it is up to those us that truly love this county and the world at large to defend it at any cost from those that want to destroy and to make it into something else other than what it truly is and has been. Anyone including a would-be king must be removed? We can not allow this fake ass president and his cronies to destroy what so many have given their lives and blood to create and defend. I for one will not allow this to happen on my watch.
Is this fake ass president using a Putin concocted Hitler-voodoo-root bag on his supporters and followers or is it just a case of old fashion American racism?

Is this fake ass president using a Putin concocted Hitler-voodoo-root bag on his supporters and followers or is it just a case of old fashion American racism?

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