Sunday, September 3, 2023

Off My Chest!!!

I am amazed that some in this country would like to pretend that slavery did not happen, and that they are not to blame for the way that the slaves were brutalized and even killed! Not only that, what about the native Americans and the way that they were treated and they were here first. Imagine if you will for a moment that you owned this beautiful home out in the country on let say on 500 acres of land that your family have owned for generations. Then all of a sudden some you do not know have never heard of come out of nowhere and claim 100 of your 500 acres and tell you that they want it for themselves. Just think how you would feel and you will do everything you can to get them off your land. This is what happened to the native Americanas. "I heard that native Americans had around 80 to 100 million in population, I heard that whites (Americans) killed 70 to 114 million Indians, and maybe less but I just want to know how many were killed in the Western American-Indian war." And just think that you live in a quiet villiage in western Africa minding your business not bothering anyone and all a sudden your village is attacked and you captured and taken prisoner and brought thousands of miles away to a strange land and beaten raped and forced to work like a common animal to enriched the white man. This is the history of America that some want you to forget so they do not feel guilty about what their ancestors did. Man this is some crazy stuff. You cannot make this stuff up!

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