Sunday, December 15, 2019

Is There A Russian Bear Living In The White House???

This is the new symbol of the old GOP! The Elephant is now dead! They are now the GOC (Grand ole cult? Russian money is now their king!!! Held to their new king!!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Republicans Then And Now!!! Back When They Had A Spine!!!

This fake ass president wants to make our America like Russia!!! He must go? He is a threat to everything that we hold dear!!! Freedom and Freedom of speech!!!!


 or 229-435-0253

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

What Are They Really Drinking???

This fake ass president and Russian spy/agent have the GOC(Grand Ole Cult party) formerly the GOP and all his followers and supporters drinking V.Putin voodoo root juice!!! Not Jim Jones' Kool-Aid!!!

“In his prime, Dad dripped charisma…he engaged and charmed and enthralled.” — Stephan Jones, son of Jim Jones