Sunday, May 29, 2022

Conspiracy of Lies!!!

Donald J. Trump aka fake ass president and Russian agent/domestic terrorist is a part of a conspiracy that reaches through the Republican congress and goes all the way up to the Supreme Court! I want to know if the FBI and the Justice Dept are big enough to handle this situation?

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

A Bunch of Nasty Hypocrites!!!

Here is a list of those in congress that want to protect babies in the wombs but not in our schools! Oh what lies they tell!!! You bunch of nasty hypocrites!!!

Monday, May 2, 2022

Watch Carefully???

Pay close attention to the images coming out of Russia and Ukraine? Because that is what the Republican cult party has in store for America! That is why the Former Fake Ass President and Russian Agent/Domestic Terrorist love Putin!!!