Sunday, November 19, 2023

Off My Chest!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2021 Thanksgiving Day 1999!!! Thanksgiving Day 1999!! It was Thanksgiving Day Nov. 25, 1999 and was a day similar today and I had move from Macon Ga. back to my hometown of Americus Ga. During that time would call back to the radio WIBB station every week day morning during the The Doug Bank's Morning Show at 8: 00 am and during the break I would give out the Cash 3 Lottery numbers! At that time the station had roughty 25,000 to 27,000 daily listners! On that morning I just happen to call in I did not even know if I would be on the air. But like usual the DJ Greg Roberts anwser the phone and said hold on a minute Mr. Lottery let me do this commercial and I will be right back with you? And he came back on and introduced me by saying alright every body you know what time it is and he in on the phone right now!!! Mr. Lottery!!! what are the lucky numbers for today? And I came on and I said this! As every body knows that tomorrow is Black Friday! And I am going to send everyone shopping tomorrow! Therefore: I want everyone to pay 000 Midday today? And the rest is lottery History because 000 hit that Midday! The DJ even won him $500! I had a Lady in Americus to hunt me down to give me $50.00 and she did not even know me but she ask around found me! She said I had been such a blessing to her and her family that she was able to buy all hers Christmas gifts! And I want you to know that until this day payout that day for 000 has not been broken!!! DATE DRAW WINNING NUMBERS WINNERS TOTAL PAYOUT 11/25/1999 EVENING 7 5 4 3,381...$355,309 11/25/1999 MIDDAY 0 0 0 30,355...$10,613,019

Off My Chest!!!

A Snarky Grandpa (Bruce) Former White House official describing Trump: "He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing."

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Off My Chest!!!

Until the GOP return to their senses and stop supporting the old former fake ass president's cult-we must vote them out of office because they are unfit to serve!!!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Off My Chest!!!

Numbers are connected to everything and everything revolves around numbers!!! How many times have you heard someone that plays the lottery say to you? " You know I had this dream and it gives 123 and I have been playing it for a month now but it has not hit yet! It may not have hit but one or more of the other nine numbers in the rundown probably did! I said all of that to say this. You have to rundown your numbers to see what else is in the rundown with it? So here we go! 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 890 901 012 123 Anyone of those 10 numbers could also be in play! So run your numbers down and check it out? Now in my book the numbers are already ran down for you! Every rundown is in Mr. Lottery Best Picks:Rundown System! So order you copy today from your favorite book store of from my publisher website? Email: Website:

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Off My Chest!!!

So today I turn 72 years young! First of all I want to thank God and give Him the grace for allowing me to reach this age in life. There are a lot of things my mind  desires to do but my body wants to allow me to do! In other words,The mind is willing but the body is not able!So I say to you, make the most of your life while you are young because before long you will be old and unable to do what you did when you were young! So make the most of every minute of your life while you are young and able. God blessed me to do many things that a great many of my peers and colleagues could not do when we were young. We have talked about setting goals and sticking to them until you achieve them.[ William Shakespeare said "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none".]Those are very few words that pack a great deal of meaning. God asks us to love everyone and hate no one. You will discover in this life that there are very few that you can trust or place your trust in. And you will be blessed greatly by God if you do wrong to no one! I am not going to drag all this out but I just want to get a few things off my chest on this being my Birthday!!! As I look back over all these many years I can think of some many things that I should have done and that I should not have done! I say to you, think carefully and make good decisions as you journey through your life. These years will not wait on no one, they just keep on rolling by!